Who We Are

American Legion Post 72, Aberdeen, NC

Aberdeen Post 72 was granted a temporary charter by our National Headquarters in Indianapolis, IN, on April 9, 1938, and received our permanent charter on February 6, 1947.  During World War II, our Post Home was used as a USO facility as troops would stop in at the train depot in Aberdeen. On January 11, 1943, Auxiliary Unit 72 received their charter.  Sometime later, Auxiliary Unit 72 became inactive and turned in it's charter.  Aberdeen Post 72 slipped from a peak of 240 members in 1947 to around 30 members in 1990.

Since then, Post 72 has seen a resurgence placing our Post roles at 90 members and growing.  We have refurbished our Post Home, added Chapter 72 of the American Legion Riders on August 14, 2007, re-chartered Auxiliary Unit 72, and for good measure chartered Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron 72 on March 9, 2009.  Together we are proud to be a family of wartime veterans, spouses, parents, and children still serving America!

It's all summed up by the preamble to our Constitution, which reads as follows:

Preamble to our Constitution