The American Legion Auxiliary

The American Legion Auxiliary is the world’s largest women’s patriotic service organization. Through its nearly 10,500 units located in every state and some foreign countries, the Auxiliary embodies the spirit of America that has prevailed through war and peace. Along with The American Legion, it solidly stands behind America and her ideals.

Auxiliary Handing out Poppies

The Women's Auxiliary Unit 72 handing out poppies in honor of our Veterans for Memorial Day at the local Lowes in Southern Pines.

In Flanders Fields

In  Flanders  fields  the  poppies  blow  Between  the  crosses,  row  on  row,
That  mark  our  place;  and  in  the  sky  The  larks,  still  bravely  singing,  fly  Scarce  heard  amid  the  guns  below.
We  are  the  Dead.  Short  days  ago  We  lived,  felt  dawn,  saw  sunset  glow,
Loved  and  were  loved,  and  now  we  lie  In  Flanders  fields.
Take  up  our  quarrel  with  the  foe:  To  you  from  failing  hands  we  throw  The  torch;  be  yours  to  hold  it  high.If  ye  break  faith  with  us  who  die
We  shall  not  sleep,  though  poppies  grow
In  Flanders  fields.  the  poppies  blow  Between  the  crosses,  row  on  row,
That  mark  our  place;  and  in  the  sky  The  larks,  still  bravely  singing,  fly
Scarce  heard  amid  the  guns  below.
We  are  the  Dead.  Short  days  ago  We  lived,  felt  dawn,  saw  sunset  glow,
Loved  and  were  loved,  and  now  we  lie  In  Flanders  fields.
Take  up  our  quarrel  with  the  foe:  To  you  from  of ailing  hands  we  throw  The  torch;  be  yours  to  hold  it  high.
If  ye  break  faith  with  us  who  die

We  shall  not  sleep,  though  poppies  grow  In  Flanders  fields.

This  poem  was  written  during  the  First  World  War  by  Canadian  physician  Lieutenant- Colonel  John  McCrae.   He  was  inspired  to  write  it  on  May  3,  1915,  after  presiding  over  the  funeral  of  friend  and  fellow  soldier  Lieutenant  Alexis  Helmer,  who  died  in  the  Second  Battle  of  Ypres.   At  that  time  he  noted  how  poppies  quickly  grew  around  the  graves  of  those  who  died  in  the  battle.   According  to  legend,  fellow  soldiers  retrieved  the  poem  after  McCrae,  initially  dissatisfied  with  his  work,  discarded  it.   In  Flanders  Fields  was  first  published  on  December  of  that  year  in  the  London  magazine  Punch.